<b>Healthcare & Well-being</b>
- Public Spaces
- Meeting Rooms
- Auditoriums
- Food Courts
- Public Corridors
COVID-19 pandemic has challenged operational standards for all sectors of the economy.
Infection control has always been a concern, particularly for
Healthcare and
Wellbeing Environments, but now, every industry faces the need for solutions that help ensure a “Covid-safe” workplace.
Artnovion’s MEDLINE-Cleanable products were specifically designed to face this challenge.
Our Laminated Wood finishes endure thorough and regular cleaning with
COVID-19 killing disinfectants, which is the best way to prevent viral transmission, while also providing protection against all other agents.
The surfaces of acoustical equipment need to be perforated, allowing for sound waves to penetrate the panel for optimal sound absorption. Surface resting pathogens are eliminated by regular cleaning and disinfection. As the inner perforation surfaces are not reachable and cannot be touch, the perforation holes do not contribute to any pathogenic agent transmission.
Find the Cleaning instructions
here .
This product is available in the following Fire Rate:FG | Furniture Grade
PRODUCT COMPOSITION:Norma 8 CL | Laminated HMDF (FG)- Laminated HMDF
- Marine Grade Plywood Structural Frame
- Sound PET acoustic core - Euro Class B
Product Dimensions:- 800x1184x39mm