A Sound Introduction.
A Sound Introduction.
Science or aesthetics, why should we have to choose?
Sound Particle
The origin of sound
Let's start at the very beginning.
Sound starts at the source. A source generates vibration that disturbes air particles. This is what we consider a sound particle. These particles disturb the surrounding particles, creating an expanding wave pattern.
What is a cycle?
Explaining particle movement
The sound particles vibrate back and forth, in response to the stimulus.
This 4 step movement is called a cycle. The traditional model is based on the trigonometric circle, with key points at 0, 90, 180, 270 degrees. This is the outline for sound phase, that we will cover later.
Cycles into waves
Understanding sound waves
Particle movements can be easily demonstrated through a wave diagram, which is universally known as a way to represent sound waves and frequency.
Multiple cycles
Sound frequency
The number of cycles per second is measured in hertz (Hz). The more cycles per second, the higher the frequency. The human hearing range is between 20Hz and 20KHz.
Sound waves
Sound as multiple particles
The pattern of disturbance created by the movement of energy through a medium (such as gases, liquids, and solid matter) is known as a sound wave. The wave carries sound through a medium, usually in all directions, and less intensely and it moves away from the source.